I do enjoy his films, but only to laugh at him. He is an obese, rich, white American, whom on many occasions has SLATED capitalism, in particular middle class white Americans. What a hippie-crite. Many of you may remember his almost autobiographical Stupid White Men.
Capitalism: A Love Story.
Now a new film about... CAPITALISM! I wonder how much he'll make from it?
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Michael Moore - Prick
My latest blogpost: Michael Moore - PrickTweet this!
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Labels: Capitalism, Films, Hypocrisy, Leftists, Michael Moore
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I must admit, I have read a few of his books and watched his movies. Entertaining, if nothing else.
Ditto Rab. I must say i found his books quite entertaining. But then i was a lot younger and less hostile to his kind of daft leftyness at the time (though still fairly hostile).
I'd say that maybe 2 or 3/10 of the points he makes (before he went absolutely insane after Bush was elected anyway) are fair enough but the other 7 or 8/10 are either motivated by bigotry, ignorance or outright insanity.
Let's buy him out.
JP, fair do's.
But what would be more entertaining/informative/thought-provoking: a Michael Moore film about George W Bush, or a George W Bush film about Michael Moore?
Well, his film 'Sicko' was an accurate account of American Capitalism in healthcare. At least this ex-excutive thinks so:
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