Monday, 20 July 2009

Fun Online Poll: House prices

... over at The Times.

The question is "Do you think house prices in the UK represent good value?"

So far, 95.3% have voted "No, house prices are still over-valued". Which is lousy grammar, as it happens - houses are over-valued and house prices are too high. You might as well say "No, houses are still too high", really.

A moronic 1.5% have voted "No, if anything house prices are under-valued", which is not only moronic, it repeats the houses/house prices mistake referred to above and the answer should start with "Yes ..." rather than with with "No...". And only a moron would choose this option anyway, if I hadn't mentioned that. Morons.

H/t LuckyJim at HPC for that second bit of pedantry.


Fausty said...

Wonderfully pedantic. More please!

TheFatBigot said...

Pedantry aside, how very encouraging it is that good sense has permeated the minds of 95.3% of those answering the survey.

All it needs now is for the 0.000005% of the population who decide economic policy to join with the masses.

John B said...

It's because 1.5% of the people of the UK are laid-of derivatives traders: sure, *houses* are overvalued, but *house prices* are undervalued and you can get a really good price by short-selling house price futures...

John B said...

Fuck. 'laid-off' derivative traders. I imagine the number of people who agree to get laid of derivative traders has fallen dramatically in the last 18 months, possibly more than any other economic indicator.