Monday 1 June 2009

Meaningless headline of the day

From the BBC: Hottest day of the year predicted.

The first paragraph reads as follows:

Some parts of the UK are set for their hottest day of the year so far, the BBC weather centre has said.

So the headline is totally misleading and does not reflect the article, which is itself meaningless: it's only "some parts"; we're only talking about the "hottest day of the year so far" (summer is approaching, after a rather nippy winter, duh); and why does the BBC have a "weather centre"? Don't we have The Meteorological Office for that sort of thing?

The article is, as yet, mercifully free of warmenist propaganda, apart from the video at the very end captioned "Sunbathers on protecting themselves from the harmful rays".


James Higham said...

They have to fill the column inches somehow.

manwiddicombe said...

Almost as decisive as the report that was broadcast many years ago with the line

"Some areas have a 50% chance of scattered showers"

Mark Wadsworth said...

CFF, That's got to be up there with the football commentary: "[insert name of team] won't want to go a goal down at this stage!"