OK, we've done the MPs' expenses story to death by now. But unless we're all prepared to vote tactically against the sitting MP, through gritted teeth if necessary, they'll know that they can get away with it time and time again.
So that's the topic of this week's Fun Online Poll, are you prepared to put your 'X' where your mouth is? Seeing as the incumbent parties are all as bad as each other, I suppose that this would lead to a Parliament consisting mainly of UKIP, Greens and BNP. Now that would make politics interesting again!
PS, if there are any swine-whisperers reading this, perhaps you can help me make sense of these responses:
Have you got Mexican Swine 'Flu?
Oink - 27 votes
Snuffle - 4 votes
Grunt - 14 votes
I'm an "oink", by the way, I hope that means "no".
About time too
3 hours ago
Your poll is pretty conclusive - at the time of writing, 100% are saying yes...
Even taking the expenses into account, we may still end up keeping the present incumbents - sadly electoral politics has become a case of deciding on the least of half a dozen evils.
Given the gravy-train reputation of the EU Parliament, perhaps Thursday's ballot papers should also offer us a choice of Oink, Snuffle or Grunt.
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