Friday 10 April 2009

Police profiles (1)


JuliaM said...

Loved the 'Sun' headline this morning - 'You can't quit faster that a thick Quick quitter', IIRC... ;)

dearieme said...

When did it become the habit for the self-important to walk around clutching paperwork? I realise that it's probably meant to imply "I get driven everywhere, you know, and often have the car door opened for me too, so I don't need a briefcase". But still, it's bloody stupid. Alas, Yates of the Yard was on the News last night, doing the same "look at me" paper-clutching while strutting around followed by acolytes. Sometimes I think we'll need machine-gunners to sort this country out. I blame that Toni Blair.

banned said...

Bob was nimble,
Bob was Quick,
Bob resigned
but still got stick.

And a nice big fury pension.
To be replaced by " controversial " Yates Of The Yard, I'll give 12 months, max; anyone running a sweepstake ?

Mark Wadsworth said...

IEBOC, Yatesy must have so much dirt on them (the politicians, I mean) by now, he'll be unsackable.