From The Metro:
Police are shining 'magic torches' into clubbers' faces to check for tiny traces of cocaine – and now employers and parents are being encouraged to follow suit. Forces across the country are buying the £40 torches which can make any microscopic particles of cocaine or amphetamine that are invisible to the naked eye appear bright green...
The torches are produced by Wrexham-based JNE Marketing, intending them to be used to show markings on stolen property. It only realised they could be used to spot drugs when police officers starting asking about them. They will detect cocaine that is at least 87 per cent pure and 78 per cent pure amphetamine of, including some, but not all, Ecstasy pills.
Right. So they'll just start cutting the cocaine a bit more so that it is no more than three-quarters pure.
That's that fixed. Next.
Notes on bechamel and blancmange
1 hour ago
Foresight is a completely unknown concept to the righteous.
They might also want to run the torches over their packages before smuggling, to make sure nothing has leaked out of the seal for the dogs to smell.
Mind you, I think the main user of these torches will be coke users who want to check they are getting something at least 87% pure before handing over the cash
And of course, some of the substances that drugs are cut with can be very unpleasant so this could lead to more health problems.
Well done guys.
NVM, your first point is another good one, but the people who sell cocaine can still cut it with any other substance that happens to glow under these lights but costs less than cocaine, which, as TB points out, might be even less healthy.
What else glows green under these torches!?!
Police cannot convict on the basis that some particles have been passed onto the clothes of an innocent member of the public whilst squashed together on the tube! Barry George was convicted on this sort of evidence...
PS The price of non-detectable ecstasy pills is about to rise...
I see crack cocaine smoking will rise.
Another victory in the war on choice.
If they check you often enough do you develop a tan?
Aren't the impurities they will use to dilute below the threshold more of a danger than the drug itself?
Dave H - if they check you often enough you'll develop skin cancer. But at least you won't die from drugs.
These lights will also show up some species of bacteria that cause skin infections. As green-glowing patches.
Careful what you catch out there...
including some, but not all, Ecstasy pills.
So, clubbers in London are sticking their pills to their faces? They're doing it all wrong....
I read somewhere that most £50banknotes in UK are contaminated with cocain residue since notes are, allegedly, used in the snorting thereof.
I guess there must be other things that show up with these torches as well?
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