Friday, 17 April 2009

Hurray! Another quango! That'll fix it!

From their about CQC page:

The Care Quality Commission is the new health and social care regulator for England. We look at the joined up picture of health and social care. Our aim is to ensure better care for everyone in hospital, in a care home and at home.


neil craig said...

"joined up" is one of these buzz words. Fire anybody who has used it. If it has any meaning at all it is "will spend more time talking"

James Higham said...

Snout-troughing is now an art form.

Oleuanna said...

I use to be a part of that system.....and neil's right, it's just a lot more meetings that don't include the people they are their to help...

Supporting people money has been un ring fenced and I guess this is the new initiative. Not really new to be honest, the good professionals within these services have been working congruently for years.

How else did we get people out of institutions and back in to society with proper valorisation and tenancies of their own?? How did we manage these humanitarian thought processes and joint working without the NHS police?

Just by the use of the word Quality... screams red tape, therefore will lack any innovation....

NHS?....Working for you?'s a buisness their working for themselves...