I am impressed that 95% of people clicked "I have no idea what you are talking about" rather than "Lisa Maffia", the only other option and hence the correct answer by default (it's a line from an irritatingly catchy hit record she had back in 2003, which otherwise had all the subtlety of a toddler banging a saucepan lid, in case you're wondering).
Returning to more serious, Budget-related matters, this week's Fun Online Poll asks what you think is a reasonable level of government spending.
One Small Step
1 hour ago
You can't expect your audience of young, with it hipsters to remember choons from 2003. Anything from before 2008 is oldies station stuff.
The mantra that absolutely incenses me is that spouted by various lefties when a tax cut is announced of 'how can that be afforded?'. This is stupid. Its like me saying I that I need £x,000,000 wages because I always have an new Porsche. If I don't earn the money, that is no-one will pay me enough to buy a Porsche I can't have one.
The truth is that we cannot afford the taxes that are being levied upon us to pay for lots of stuff we cannot afford and lots of other stuff that could be done twice as well and twice as efficiently by private business, education for example.
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