From the intro to his article in The Independent, on the topic of Geert Wilders:
Freedom of speech is our most precious freedom of all, because all the other freedoms depend on it. The decision to stop people from exercising this fundamental right must never be taken...
Excellent stuff, I'm with him so far. But then he does a DoubleThink and turns the whole logic on its head by ending that second sentence with the word "... lightly" and concluding that "It is precisely the prevention of harm to minorities that justifies the restrictions to Mr Wilders' freedom of speech."
Dude, WTF? "Harm to minorities"? Wasn't Labour peer Lord Ahmed threatening to 'mobilise ten thousand Muslims' who would march, presumably armed with pitchforks and blazing torches, on the Houses of Parliament? Who's threatening to harm whom here, exactly?
H/t DK
Net Zero Defence
1 hour ago
"Which way round is the hate? Is it us that hate them or them that hate us?"
Huhne = tosser.
Sadly Mark I think its a 2 way thing now.9/11 polarised nearly everyone.
I thought our most precious freedom was the freedom to live. If we were unable to speak freely would we all die suddenly? Come on guys start thinking
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