Monday 19 January 2009

"New plan to boost banks' lending"

Dude, WTF?

Four key points:
On another day of major development for the banking sector, here are the key points of the government's latest announcement:
• Banks will be able to take up government insurance against their expected bad debts
• The Bank of England will be able to buy stakes in companies in all sectors of the economy
• Northern Rock has been given extra time to repay its loans from the government
• The government is increasing its stake in Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) to nearly 70% from 58%. RBS also said it was set to report a huge loss for 2008, with asset write-downs of up to £20bn.

Wouldn't a more accurate headline be "New plan to boost powers of the state at the taxpayers' expense"?


AntiCitizenOne said...

> The Bank of England will be able to buy stakes in companies in all sectors of the economy

Yields need to rise, not fall. This is insanity on a stick.

Witterings from Witney said...

Mark, "New plan to boost powers of the state at the taxpayers' expense".

They're Labour, socialists and when did socialists ever have a sensible economic idea? GIven their history, how can you ever expect them to now or in the future?

Bill Quango MP said...

Calm down. We are only 18 months into the first 5 year plan. It will all be fine.
Next up, The Great Leap Forward.
Throwing bundles of cash into the blast furnaces to meet our steel targets.

Lola said...

I know, I know. It's all so depressing isn't it? It doesn't help that it is absolutely useless too.

Anton Howes said...

Oh balls. Actually it could have been Balls!

Point 3 is actually good. Delaying loan repayment is a good idea as it leaves NR with more capital to lend out - although this needs to go hand in hand with other measures that actually DO boost banks' lending!

1, 2 and 4 however look awful. Truly awful.