When 'Labour rebels' staged a 'climate change revolt' last July, and called for a maniacal 80% reduction in C02 emissions rather than a merely delusional 60% reduction, I had a bright idea ... lets go for a 100% reduction!
I'm glad to be able to report that The Worldwatch Institute have picked up this gag and are running with it. Here's a cutting from yesterday's Metro (article not available online):As an aside, the whole "It's-not-cold-it's-just-natural-fluctuations-masking-the-underlying-warming-trend" meme* seems to have gone out of fashion. Even leftie think-tank Compass forgot to include it in a recent article headed With coldest period for 20 years energy firms must pass on cuts now. Naughty, naughty Compass!
* My Underlying-warming-trend-o-meter is actually down by 40 results over the past few days.
Thursday, 15 January 2009
Maths joke
My latest blogpost: Maths jokeTweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Labels: Fuckwits, Global cooling, Humour, Maths, Worldwatch Institute
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Brilliant, and I wouldn't be surprised if it happens either.
Plant Starvers!
Surely "scientists" this intelligent could breed a superrace who breathe in CO2 and breathe out O2. Easy peasy.
If they were really clever they could even breed in a slavish adherence to socialism, thus at last bringing about Paradise on Earth.
"Surely "scientists" this intelligent could breed a superrace who breathe in CO2 and breathe out O2. Easy peasy"
Aren't they called 'plants'?
Sorry about this but I have just thought of a possible flaw in the above masterplan. There might not be enough CO2 for plants, in which case the "scientists" will have to breed a superrace of plants which breathe in O2 and breathe out CO2.
It's surprising how easy these problems turn out to be when you just think them through.
Aren't they called 'plants'?
Yes but you are ignoring the "adherence to socialism" part of the plan.
Keep up!
G-B, I am outsmarted and outgunned. D'you fancy being Science Minister?
MW: Sorry, no can do due to lack of spare time. Gotta sort out this Israeli-hamas thing.
Mark - it really isn't that hard to understand. CO2 is a greenhouse gas and we are pumping it into the atmosphere - that is all you need to know.
Perversely temperatures in the UK could plunge to Siberian temps if global warming ends the gulf stream of warm water off our coast.
And of course world temperatures can still decrease in the short term even when increasing in the long term.
We can even say that the science is far from sure - but that does not mean we can ignore it. Indeed even if the scientists are completely wrong about climate change and MMGW, it still doesn't invalidate efforts to use energy more efficiently, reduce pollution and generally improve our quality of life by improving our environment, does it?
MW: Sorry, no can do due to lack of spare time. Gotta sort out this Israeli-hamas thing.
Did you see the news tonight?
You were behind this?
Well done.
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