After a week of polling and a very good turnout of 118 (thanks to everybody who voted, as ever), I can announce the final results as follows:
The best way to deal with Somali pirates would be to ...
Storm the tanker and kill them all/make them walk the plank - 41%
Nuke their harbour/mine their harbour - 21%
Just ignore them. How would they sell two million barrels of oil? - 17%
Grant them all asylum in the UK - 10%
Send even more aid payments to Somalia - 6%
Take the entire population of Somalia hostage - 4%
Pay the ransom - 1%
I included the "grant them all asylum" and "send even more aid payments to Somalia" options as a joke, of course. As Wolfie pointed out in the comments, anybody who voted for "grant them all asylum" should be deported. To Somalia.
The Insanity Of NetZero Rumbles On
57 minutes ago
"Grant them all asylum in the UK - 10%"
So you have readers in the Home Office then!
Good Poll
Now we need a poll of the governments likely response
BQ, that's easy - you just take the above results and put them in reverse order. For "take the entire population of Somalia hostage" read "invade and occupy", like Iraq.
I voted for asylum as a joke. i was hoping everybody would say the same thing.
Next time MW should put "asylum - I'm serious (but mentally ill lefty)" and "Asylum - Joke!"
It's interesting that 'pay the ransom' got the fewest votes, when it's the most likely outcome.
(& I also voted for asylum as a joke)
I didn't vote for asylum. I live in Shepherd's Bush and find it hard to believe there's anyone left in Somalia (other than a few pirates, clearly).
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