Ho hum.
The Child Support Agency is handing its powers to a new body, after years of complaints over delays, errors and with £3.8bn still owed by absent parents. The new Child Maintenance Enforcement Commission has already said while £2bn may be recoverable, the remaining sum will most likely never be paid.
Dude, WTF? It will be the same useless civil servants, simultaneously persecuting the easy targets (responsible ex-husbands who try and keep in touch with their kids) and turning a blind eye to yer proper Underclass Absent Dad. Who possibly lives with the mother, but discreetly, so's not to endanger the extra money she gets for being single. And then failing to hand the money over to the mother anyway.
But it's not just the civil servants to blame, it's whoever invented the rules on how to calculate the maintenance due. For two kids, absent Dad is supposed to hand over, broadly speaking twenty per cent of his net income, which pushes up the marginal tax rate on a basic rate taxpayer to forty-five per cent. And what if Dad does a bit of overtime? Or takes a few days unpaid leave?
Why don't they just decide a 'fair' flat rate, weekly figure, as in Germany and quite possibly lots of other countries and have done with it? I have been paying, for example €605 a month to my cheating fat bitch of an ex-wife for the last eleven years (and about €300 a month for the three years before that) and that is the end of that, how much I earn or the fact that I have remarried and started again are irrelevant (and rightly so). £50 a week per child seems about right, to be honest.
For sure, women will always whine and say the figure should be higher; men will always moan and say it should be lower. But there again, nobody is forcing women to take the children. If the amount is too low, then women could just let Dad bring up the children and have the pleasure of paying maintenance to him instead, eh?
That's that fixed.
And in future, things like who gets custody and how much the other parent has to pay should be agreed freely between the contracting parties, as explained by Harry Haddock.
Saturday, 1 November 2008
DoublePlusGood! CSA is now CMEC!
My latest blogpost: DoublePlusGood! CSA is now CMEC!Tweet this! Posted by Mark Wadsworth at 10:44
Labels: Bureaucracy, Children, Commonsense, Divorce, Fuckwits, Welfare reform
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Glad to see you're not bitter...much.
Good plan btw. I hinted at Harry's solution awhile back in a post of mine:
Perhaps time for an update with your very sensible custody and maintenance proposals. At present, men get a pretty raw deal IMO. Even so, this isn't about righting that so much as ensuring a mutually satisfactory solution is met. Seems that is easiest done prior to the marriage when feelings are good than during the divorce when feelings are bad.
Just a general observation; I accompanied a friend to a speeding hearing at a magistrates' court a few years back. We were told it was first come first served so we arrived at about ten past six the night before expecting to be first. But no, if you brought a brief (not a pair, just one) with you, you got in first and everyone else had to wait till mid afternoon the next evening to get dealt with (cos, like, briefs, as opposed to friends taking days off work to assist, are important people and need to be dealt with first).
But anyhoo...the upshot of it all was that I was sat outside the court nearly all day watching the human detritus coming and going, and guess what...I would say at least half of the people preventing us being dealt with, were people who had failed to comply with child support orders. Most of them were there with the partner they were supposed to have abandoned and the kids. They all shared one brief.
I felt more powerfully than ever before how decrepit the system was - all these people taking up many others' valuable time, probably to defend the fact that they had missed a four and six order out of their dole money payment to the mother already claiming the same amount of benefit.
This is a system that's supposed to operate in *our* names, as a community. It's bollocks I tell you, absolute bollocks! A complete and utter waste of money. There must be a better way, and renaming the same department that inflicts all this on the legal system is just completely mad!
PS - this was leafy Rugby. God knows what it must be like in, I dunno, Sefton, or somewhere.
PT, I'm not bitter - I've six more months to go 'til the younger one turns 18 and that's the end of that. One of the good things about getting old!
JC, did you stay overnight or just take a ticket and come back? I am all in favour of pre-nup's, but even if this is all freely agreed, it still has to be enforced.
Well - they should pay for separate arbitration then!
I honestly don't know, it seemed like a biblical amount of time we were waiting - forty days and forty nights or similar I imagine.
The funniest though was when you saw the occasional girl with several "plaintiffs" all obviously due to answer the same charges with respect to the four children the magistrate was presumably left holding while she got out her list of father-to-child name reminders...:)
Mark, I was only winding you up, NOI.
You know, Jock's chirpy pic has reminded me that I have no idea what you look like.
Jock, one would have thought that you could just alter most of those things at source. A portion of the benefits to one get redirected to the other. Mark's system would certainly ease that up, considering you needn't calculate the entire parental income.
Ironically, we are all to believe that the purpose of the CSA/CMEC is, to ensure the welfare of our children. Sadly in some of cases, this could not be further from the truth.
Agency non performance and actions have a detrimental effect on the very reasons the CSA /CMEC exists ~ our children.
In many cases non resident parents (NRP) acquire hefty arrears, not through being non compliant, but due to Agency delays and errors.
Also, many parents with care who do have genuine non compliant ex's or 'deadbeat dads', due to years of Agency neglect have failed to receive any Child Support.
www.afairercsaforall.co.uk for FREE advice and support for All parents.
The CSA/CMEC we at www.deadbeatdadsasociation.co.uk found out, are actually a company not an authority. We at Dead Beat Dads have asked on serveral occasions the CSA prove they are an authority and to prove the Child Support Act is a law.... suprise suprise they cannot do it.
Once you see what really goes on behind closed doors and how they use this moral attitude " you have the responsibilities to provide for your children" that is not what you are doing, you are paying a company to fund the Governmentand you are paying a company that has NO lawful jurisdiction to demand or remove funds from you.
We at dead beat dads have discovered a way to stop the CSA/CMEC taking money from you
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