I can just picture the lesson ...
"Jamelia! Tanika! Be quiet! I'm going to explain what you have to do if you want to have a nice council flat like Mummy - oh for Heaven's sake, Sabriani, pay attention - without having to go to work. It's easy, when Dwayne or Limahl - yes, I mean you Limahl - tell you they want to 'Show you some lurv', then make sure you don't take the contraceptive pill or use condoms. Any questions?"
Turnips on the menu
54 minutes ago
What really gets my biscuit about this whole issue is the role of so called social scientists feathering their beds.
Teen pregnancies they say can be curtailed through sex education, yet there is no evidence to show or prove that. So as their "scientific methods" are disproved they excuse themselves by saying well we need to teach them at a younger age, and hey presto our "progressive" government goes along with its mates in the sociology depts.
The facts are simple, out of the 11 worst nations on earth for teen pregnancies, 6 are English speaking anglosphere nations. Which seems to tell you that this is a cultural issue, just a binge drinking is for north European nations.
What is happening is simple, we are sexualising our kids too young, and therefore early sex education no matter how well intended will be counter productive, it will probably make the situation worse.
Add early sexualisation onto high family breakdown and divorce you have a platform for high teen pregnancies.
And where do you see high levels of teen pregnancies? amongst the black Afro-Caribbean community, which also has the highest rate of family breakdown in the UK and the USA. And there is not one African or Caribbean nation in the top 30 of high teen pregnancies.
All this amounts to is left wing ideology dressed up as science.
Maybe they should teach baby farming in economics class; they could add on marginal income analysis of the decision to work or not work amongst the lumpen-proletariat?
...or better can you imagine just what Joyce Grenfell would have made of this?
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