Saturday, 13 September 2008

Unlikely heroes (5)

Three young first-time buyer couples!


Obnoxio The Clown said...

Let's give it 10 years, shall we? When they come to the point of selling ...

Anonymous said...

Obnoxio the Clown: "When they come to the point of selling ..."

I thought exactly the same thing.

Anonymous said...

"The property market is all about winners and losers. The only time first home buyers win is when the market crashes, and we can buy at fair prices." Dolts!

Mark Wadsworth said...

D, I was an FTB after the last crash in the early 1990s, best thing that I ever did esp. as I sold to rent last year.

Why does that make me a dolt?

M said...

There was a very grumpy piece in the Wail about this on Saturday, but then the Wail can't seem to make up it's mind about who the baddies are, the people who pushed up house prices or the people who are pushing them down.