The last comment here presumably related to today's interview, rather than the one they did back in May, which prompts me to read the transcript* thereof.
Think what you will**, it strikes me that Andrew Marr has a genuine, deep-seated loathing of the The Goblin King. I'd warmly recommend anybody to read the full transcript, if you have five minutes to spare, but here are a few highlights:
AM [introducing his interviewee] Right now he's in some trouble with the Tories, romping ahead in the opinion polls and a daily diet of his own supporters saying "it's time to go." The pressure is on Gordon Brown to demonstrate this week that he's got what it takes to revive his leadership in the country... Prime Minister, good morning.
or .....................
TGK: We're looking at a number of things. I mean we stopped the speculative trading in what you call "short-term sales". Unfortunately, AM didn't interject with "Get your f***ing jargon right, you twat! It's called 'short selling', not 'short term sales'", but hey ...
or .....................
AM: Year after year, you stood on conference platforms and you said "No return to boom and bust", "No stop go," erm, "prudence". You could not say that. You could not stand up this week and say "No return to boom and bust" because there would be a sort of sickening silence.
TGK: Yeah, but we were talking about 15% interest rates and 3 million unemployed, 10% inflation. That was the old days.
AM: But we had huge boom based on inflated property prices and we now have a bust.
TGK: [waffles] We had 15, 18% interest rates at one point. Our average is about 5, 6% interest rates and mortgage rates. We have...
AM: Highest unemployment for 10 years, highest inflation for 16 years.
TGK: I'm sorr... I'm sorry, we have created 3 million jobs and that is, that is not correct. The inflation...
AM: Employment... unemployment figures are.
TGK: The... the unemployment figures...
AM: The highest for 10 years.
TGK: No, I don't accept that. The issue is that the unemployment figures are based on two separate analyses and more jobs have been created even as I accept unemployment is going up. As far as the other figures you mention, I think it's true...
AM: Inflation is the highest for 16 years.
or .....................
AM: A lot of your own people, your own ministers and own MPs say that's the trouble; it's always somebody else's fault. It has not been a great year for you, it has not been a good year, and yet it's always somebody else to blame. You never seem to either apologise or confront the fact that you might have had some failures yourself.
or this for a closer .....................
AM: And you will be here by Christmas?
* "Please note "The Andrew Marr Show" must be credited if any part of this transcript is used."
** Yes, this might be a fix - Andrew Marr may be just pretending to give The Goblin King a hard time so that people have sympathy with him, but I doubt it somehow.
About time too
2 hours ago
Brown is more pathetic that I could imagine. Total f***ing moron. BTW, what, he is asked, will he do to "fix" the financial markets. "Whatever ot takes" he replies - that is, "I've got no idea at all". (Not that we want him to have any - God help us!)
Just for interest Mr Brown, what have you been doing as far as thinking of financial system policies since Northern Rock collapsed? Waiting for something else to fall on you?
(Replies: What have the Tories come up with?)
Any chance he'll lose his seat in the General Election? (Along with the 8 Cabinet ministers the "Observer" think will go). Mind you, the "Guardian" today thinks his luck has turned - simply because the problems have got worse and that will put the spotlight on the (policy-less) Tories. Right.
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