Against the general background whereby the Labour gummint - desperate to shore up the inflated house prices on which its economic miracle (and their own personal wealth - the vast majority of MPs being second-home owners) was based is seriously considering giving banks (currently suffering colossal losses as house price and credit bubbles go *pop* and struggling to raise cash wherever they can find it) shed loads of taxpayers' money (possibly with a view to securing remunerative directorships once they are chucked out), comes this from today's FT...
Another Labour MP, Rob Marris [Wolverhampton South West], called on Mr Brown to consider imposing one-off taxes on oil companies and on banks, as part of setting a "clear direction".
To be fair, I suppose that "straight down the toilet" could be considered a clear direction.
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Twat of the day (7)
My latest blogpost: Twat of the day (7)Tweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Labels: Corruption, Credit crunch, Economics, Fuckwits, house price crash, Rob Marris MP, Twats
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I fail to understand how people don't see through this shit. Politicians are the ones causing the crises that allow banks and energy companies to make unusual profits (and frankly, I'm not even sure they're that unusual or impressive, considering their outgoings) and yet politicians are somehow blameless in it all and pillars of moral probity.
Labour MPs are all cunts, and deserve stringing up from the nearest lamp post. I don't care if they understand the language or not.
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