Final proof that Dave The Chameleon is a complete moron, if the details of this story are correct:
Mr Cameron had chained [his bike] to a 2ft bollard, allowing thieves to lift both the bicycle and the lock clear.
What Were We Ever Worried About?
3 hours ago
come on, you would expect a busy place like tesco to be pretty safe? maybe its a london thing, ive dump mine all over the place in Sheffield and the Peak (outside every pub) and ive never had it nicked once, and its a pretty expensive bike.
do you chain it to a 2' high bollard or just rest it agin the wall?
usually throw it on the floor :0)
I D-lock mine at the back and chain lock the front wheel and seat as-well.
I thought it rather an indictment that the general reaction of people was to laugh; I completely agree Cameron exhibits some problems in the thinking department but if you want a state-of-the-country report then "we all just laughed at him" sums it up pretty well. What a shame.
Its a perception thing, if you dont lock it, and it looks like no one cares about it, our general 16 year old crook walks on by.
P, my previous boss used to drive brand new Porsches, which he never locked, on the basis that nobody would ever walk past a brand new Porsche and imagine for one second that the owner would have left it unlocked.
I'm with Former Tory on this one. It was clumsy of Cameron but we shouldn't miss the fact that there is a thieving dickhead out there who deserves a few less teeth.
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