Look chaps, all this wrangling is not a matter for central government! If people are happy for post offices to be subsidised, then this should be paid for out of local taxation paid by local voters. And subject to local referenda.
Where fish walk around on land
1 hour ago
Personally, I'm in favour of sponsoring blacksmiths, saddle makers, typewriter repairmen, bakelite manufacturers, valve makers, CB radio shops and typesetters.
The tories want to keep hundreds of Post Offices open for all the little old ladies who:-
a) live miles from another Post Office (that one in Highgate has 7 others within a mile).
b) Don't have a bank account.
c) Don't drive.
d) Don't have a bus pass
e) Don't have a bus service.
f) Don't have a council supplied community bus.
g) Can't move somewhere that has those services.
Seriously, if you're that trapped, you don't need a Post Office, you need a carer.
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