Surreptitious Evil has found the quick, self test on where you stand politically. Here's my result
The test takes about 30 seconds, go on, you know you want to...
Out of control
3 hours ago
Surreptitious Evil has found the quick, self test on where you stand politically. Here's my result
The test takes about 30 seconds, go on, you know you want to...
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Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Labels: Authoritarianism, Libertarianism, Politics
And pragmatic = left? Or are we suffering from Merkan?
Pragmatic = looking at what works and what doesn't.
e.g. making drugs or activities related to prostitution makes things worse therefore they should be legalised, suitably regulated (to protect e.g. minors) and taxed (to cover externalities).
e.g. state provision of education or health services = expensive and shit, therefore replace the whole lot with education and health vouchers.
And so on. The pragmatic approach is nigh indistinguishable from the libertarian approach, just without the hifalutin waffle.
Did the test, questions were very ambiguous and simplistic I thought, but came out as a LIBERAL (but towards the centre)- personal score 60%, economic score 20%.
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