Tuesday 22 January 2008

"Men drink far more than women"

Jumping H F***!

That's actually considered worthy of a headline at the BBC!? Who pays for this pointless research in the first place? Oh God, I feel faint.


Gregg said...

Let's face it, it's mostly women who drive us to it! Oh God, I'm becoming Les Dawson.

Seriously, I wonder how much public money is wasted on these ludicrous surveys. I heard one the other day that coffee is bad for pregnant women and may cause miscarriages. But the report then said that it may be that women who have miscarriages don't have as much morning sickness so it may be that the nausea puts pregnant women off the smell of coffee rather than coffee causing any harm.

Pay me £50,000 a year and I could come with any number of these and save the taxpayers a fortune.

Snafu said...

It was recently reported that women prefer rich men...