As if we didn't know this already.
Nulab's f***witted response? Not, as you might expect, "Oh dear, our ideas have failed miserably, let's go back to doing whatever it was that we were doing ten years ago." Oh no, far too obvious, too cheap and too simple, the solution must be More Of The Same! More Meddling! More 'Investment'! More Targets!
Schools Minister Jim Knight: "We are putting a relentless focus on the progress of every individual through programmes such as Every Child Counts and personalised learning so that we know exactly where progress is made and where children are falling behind."
5 hours ago
How many teachers were sacked for poor performance last year?
None? But there must be loads in early retirement/long term sick leave on full pay/moved to a cushy quango job and so on.
I became quite good friends with the deputy head at the school I went to and he told me they've only ever sacked a single teacher for being crap (they sacked another one because he, ahem, liked children*). Usually they would try and get them to retire or go somewhere else or something.
*Which caused much hilarity amongst the studentry. I remember talking about him one time and the obligitary 'new kid' asks why he left. "He liked children," was the general reply. "No, really, why did he leave?" he continued. "No, he really did like children," was the reply.
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