As a devout atheist*, who has absolutely no objection to the use of Christian symbols etc in a largely and historically Christian country, may I take this opportunity to tell The Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan to keep his mouth shut until he knows what he's talking about?
* That means I totally 100% genuinely believe in absolutely nothing whatsoever, apart from a few private and personal superstitions.
Another day, another Labour lie?
3 hours ago
Barry Morgan's public attack on Atheist attempts to criticise in a fashion that only the public perception is capable of disseminating in the tabloids.
Barry Morgan's attack has a name - "fundamentalism". Atheists have been labelled to undermine the public good of a Christianity land. Recent comments by ArchBishop Tutu that religions should treat people equally is still a sore point that has not as yet brought red letter day to millions of people.
I see the silly sod has fallen for the "Winterval" bollocks...
Birmingham City Council came up with the Winterval theme some years back as a retail event for one year only. The "PC gone mad" brigade have hyped it up every Christmas since. Now the idiotic church leaders have jumped on the bandwagon. Last year it was the archbishop of York. By trotting out this nonsense they demonstrate their own idiocy. It was bollocks then, it's bollocks now and people who fall for it are blithering idiots.
The only fundamentalists here are old men who dress up in frocks and talk to a non-existent sky pixie and expect an intelligent reply.
Possibly, he does not understand his enemy. Or perhaps he pretends not to, so as to sneak up on it.
His enemy is “modern socialism”; the new orthodoxy that dictates “political correctness” as a form of thought control. It’s amazing how modsoc/pc treats Islam and MMGW as sacrosanct. In time, modsoc/pc will turn on those “allies” as Hitler did to Stalin when he (mis)judged the time to be right.
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