According to this evening's London Lite, the Tories are going to allow non-working spouses to transfer their personal allowance to working spouse to save up to £1,000 tax a year.
Well whoopi-f***ing-doo!
It was the Tories who got rid of joint taxation about twenty years ago, that was a terrible thing to do. So they can start off by apologising for that.
And, as I have gone to great lengths to explain, as a result of the way our tax/welfare/tax credits system works, a couple with children can boost its benefits income by £9,000 or £11,000 a year by pretending to live apart.
Further, an unemployed single woman improves her net weekly income after housing costs by £67 for the first baby and another £49 for the second. This compares with an extra £20 and an extra £4 for a single-earner couple, where the working partner is on an average wage.
So this is a nice gesture, but absolutely meaningless in the grander scheme of things*.
The only thing that will sort this out is a Citizen's Income/flat tax system (for political reasons I'd give people a choice between claiming the Citizen's income or having a much higher personal allowance, but that's just fine-tuning). If we moved to that system (which is broadly fiscally neutral), a single-earner couple with one partner on an average salary and two children would be about £6,000 a year better off.
* Even more ironic, this will have to be paid for by increasing taxes elsewhere. But as single, unemployed parents, the real villains of the piece, don't pay tax, the people who will have to pay for this are single working parents and people without children, so this is totally unfair and misses the point.
** It's on the BBC website now. I like the idea of front-loading child benefit - did they lift this from my Bow Group report, Proposal 6? The other suggestions are pretty crap though.
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
Tories still haven't got a clue
My latest blogpost: Tories still haven't got a clueTweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Labels: Citizens Income, Dave, David Cameron MP, Flat Tax, Fuckwits, Married couple's allowance, Tories, Welfare reform
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There's a shock.
When my GF moved over here from abroad (though she is a British national - long story), she was refused jobseekers' allowance on the basis that I earned too much money, despite the fact that I give her no financial assistance whatsoever.
Altho' I do not actually condone use of the c-word (it is degrading to women) that is exactly what I mean.
You have learned the painful lesson that The System a) discourages cohabitation (let along marriage, and b) rewards dishonesty. I hope GF found a job, anyway.
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