Don't these bloody Tories, for all their posh private education, remember the 'Trade Winds', y'know the ones that took our ships round the North Atlantic on their counter-clockwise journeys in days of yore?* The same counter-clockwise direction as the Gulf Stream?
Obviously not. Vindico highlights this passage from their much-hyped 'Blueprint For A Green Economy' nonsense:
"Half the air pollution we produce in Britain we export to the rest of Europe while, in turn, half of what we suffer comes from the Continent"
I posted a witty comment but had to make several corrections. Here's how it should have read:
"Wrong, Dave. On several counts. Over north-west Europe, the prevailing wind is south westerly so our pollution goes to Scandinavia (sorry lads!) and stuff from the continent goes nowhere near us. Finally, Dave, 'export' is when you sell goods and services abroad"
*was that history lessons or geography lessons?
Turnips on the menu
2 hours ago
Are you sure they actually got this "posh private education". Zac, Dave and Gummer apparently never heard about ice ages and global warming / cooling in between.
Astronomy would also teach them that Mars has PROVEN global warming, while we have never been able to prove this with regards to Earth. Astronomy would also teach them about solar cycles.
Exactly. There is no sign that any of this rubbed off on them at all. Or the fact that animals exhale CO2 and trees sort of inhale it.
Or that 99% of all greenhouse gases are water vapour, which is why it's warm at night if it's cloudy, and you don't even need to go to school to suss that out, you just notice it.
I pointed out that Dave's three years at Oxford also seem to have been wasted here.
If he was really serious about the environment, he would forbid people to bicycle to work as they then exhale more than necessary.
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