Yippee! 42% of my countrymen and -women have woken up to the fact that religion is harmful, per a poll covered in today's Sunday Times.
Also reassuring, Gisela Stuart 'fessing up to the fact that this EU-Treaty is the same as the EU-Constitution.
Even better, it looks like we are going throw in the towel* in Basra.
But Simon Jenkins is talking crap about taxation of higher earners. He admits that Elton John and David Beckham** "operate in a truly open market [and] do not determine their own incomes". I agree, some of these super-salaries in the City and on the boards of UK plc might be a sign of collusion or oligopolistic behaviour, but why does he think that the income tax system should sort it out? How is he going to distinguish between 'open market' incomes and non-open market income when deciding who should pay super-tax?
*If I could be bothered, I'd make a joke about Al-Sadr's followers using the towel as a turban, or something.
** Is David Beckham still tax-resident in the UK anyway?
The Man From Ruritania
1 hour ago
"But Simon Jenkins is talking crap about taxation of higher earners."
Agreed. Unfortunately, there are plenty of hacks who pop up and regurgitate this stuff from time to time, and as it tends to go unchallenged it becomes popular wisdom. Dangerous for the economy if it gets to the point where there might actually be votes in this stuff ...
I covered this whole "Private equity vultures only pay 10% tax" nonsense in my last comment here.
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