We all remember the pictures of Nigel Lawson on Black Wednesday, admitting he'd fouled up (despite he hadn't actually, sterling was doomed the minute we went into the ERM).
Let's assume that this whole Northern Rock thingy is roughly on par with that for incompetence (altho' again, it must be emphasised, this is just the last ten years' chickens coming home to roost).
Having stuck His Ugly Head briefly above the parapet earlier this week, The Goblin King (who was the one who forced Mervyn King to do a U-turn*) has disappeared again and, surprisingly, hasn't even offered up his Chancellor, The Badger, as a sacrifice, nope, he's re-directing the blame onto Mervyn King, who was indeed "Only obeying orders".
Despicable, really.
*In their position, I'd have done the same.
About time too
3 hours ago
Is it part of the job spec that Chancellors with stupid eye brows should be appointed? As a way of deflecting the cartoonists it works very well. Healey, Lamont, Thingy.
What else can anyone remember about the present glove puppet beyond the fact that he looks like the left-overs of a photofit kit?
Still, it shows up the political wisdom of making the Bank theoretically independent (yeah, right) in that, outrageously, this ruse is likely to work in deflecting criticism from the PM.
He is even managing to leave the lingering impression that someone else, not him, was the Chancellor since 1997.
It's electoral Rohypnol, that's what it is.
There is a pattern emerging here!
It turns out that Norman Lamont was also called 'The Badger', I'd overlooked that bit.
Another good rule of thumb is that Thatcher's ministers were called 'Norman'. Norman Fowler, Norman Lamont, Norman Tebbit, Norman StJohn Stevas. Plus the other ones that I've forgotten about.
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