My daily visits (that had reached about 80 at the height of my 'Kate McCann's tits' series, which is still reeling 'em in) had dropped to around 60 as of late.
Today's visits have doubled already (by 8.30 pm), having checked referrals in Sitemeter, it turns out that they all come via a brief mention in the Adam Smith Institute blog review #373*.
Netsmith, ta muchly!
*Bad new is, the average page views per visit was down from 3 or 4 to 1.5, those who came via the ASI didn't hang around long.
Gone but not forgotten
2 hours ago
Stick with it. "If you build it, they will come," as some wise chap once said (maybe a Pharoah or somesuch talking about his pyramid scheme). Things start slow and then build up.
I found commenting on the Telegraph and other places helped a bit, especially if you can leave your URL. Then again blatent totty posting also seems to help. But success there depends on whether Mrs W will understand all the research you have to put in :-)
Oh, one word of advice: get word verification up and running asap; otherwise you'll find you're getting loads of visitors and comments - all spammers.
Wasn't it Garth in 'Wayne's World II'?
I have only had one spam so far, so word verification is not yet necessary.
But thanks for support!
I used to get only between 10 and 50 hits a day when I started. Now I usually get several hundred, over a thousand sometimes. Alas, most of those are Google image searches but it helps the ad revenue some :)
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