Tuesday 24 January 2023

So that's it then...?

In a clip to which I have lost the link, Starmer says this:-

Questioner: "Westminster or Davos?"

Answer (without hesitation) "Westminster is too constrained… Once you get out of Westminster, whether it’s Davos or anywhere else, you actually engage with people that you can see working with in the future. Westminster is just a tribal shouting place."

So that's his ideas of democratic accountability then?  He's happier with the utterly unaccountable globalist 'elites' than fighting for his ideas in the intellectually testing arena of the adversarial bearpit that is Parliament.  A process that has served England the UK very well for hundreds of years.


The Jannie said...

Starmer, as are so many others, will be like that scum Bliar: hand out for bung no matter who's doing the bunging then change his tune to suit.

Bayard said...

We already know that Der Stürmer thinks that his pronouncements should be heard in respectful silence. His socialism is very much of the national variety.

Mark Wadsworth said...

Good spot!