Tuesday 4 October 2022

Now it's getting silly...

Nuclear War Could Reverse Global Warming says the Huffington Post quoting the National Geographic.

Hey, instead of waiting decades for climate change to make the world uninhabitable (which isn't going to happen anyway), let's do it in days with a nuclear war.


Mark Wadsworth said...

Now That's What I Call Alarmism!

Rich Tee said...

I call Poe's Law on this one.

Doonhamer said...

How can anyone revered a phenomenon that has zero effect?
Now if he was talking about Climate Change we can see that where there are now unprecedented floods in future there will be unprecedented droughts.
And vice-versa.
Ditto hurricanes and continent wide becalming.

Doonhamer said...

Revered should be reverse.
Text prediction has a strange logic and only kicks in after a few more lines are tapped out.

Bayard said...

RT, looks like it, doesn't it, but the article in National Geographic from 2011 seems deadly serious.