Tuesday 19 April 2022

"Britain can only remember seven Tory scandals at any one time"

Go read at The Daily Mash.

The insane Rwanda plan is of course just a distraction from Partygate, which appears to have been affecting Tory polling ratings. The rightwingers are cheering to the rafters; the lefties are up in arms. It will never happen, neither will it be officially shelved, but 'something not happening' is hardly headline news.

This technique was exploited to the full by New Labour. Minister has affair? Driven from the front pages by a corruption scandal/colossal overspend; which was driven from the front pages by 'cash for peerages', which was driven from front pages by grants to Trade Unions that were matched by TU donations to the Labour Party; which driven from front pages by James Purnell photoshop episode (at least that one was funny); not forgetting the Individual Learning Account money that disappeared into the sand... the list is endless, and nobody (least of all me) can remember more than half a dozen of them or the order they happened, they came so thick and fast. New Labour made John Major's lot look like choirboys.


Bayard said...

I'm sure there is a thick file for deceased felines, just as there is one for nasty bits of legislation to be slipped through Parliament every time there is a plague/terrorist attack/royal wedding/divorce/death or anything else that is suitably distracting.