Thursday 31 March 2022

Not worth a try

Are we still doing sinkholes?

"They've built a road on to the Banna park near the disturbance by the try-line, and after digging out a large section at the Brynmawr end have begun to fill it in with more than 2,000 tons of spark-proof stone. When the workers from the coal board saw how deep it went at over 70m their jaws just dropped and so did ours."

Is there a "lost ball" rule in rugby?


Mark Wadsworth said...

Yes we are: sinkholes, cow attacks and cars hitting houses are staple fare of this blog.

Mark Wadsworth said...

70m deep = a stone would take nearly 4 seconds before it hits the bottom.

Terminal velocity = 4 secs x 9.8 m/s2 = 39 m/s

Average speed = half terminal velocity = 19 m/s

70m ÷ 19 m/s = about 4 seconds.

Bayard said...

I like the bit about "spark-proof stone". Imagine if they'd got that wrong...

Macheath said...

Dai another day, perhaps?

I’ll get my coat...