Thursday, 24 March 2016




Staffordshire man said...

If you have something to say then say it; a single pointer to another page is not a blog.

Shiney said...


I know exactly what Lola means! No need for him to say anything else.... on this blog at least.

Lola said...

SM - The headline says all I can think of saying. It's the equivalent of spluttering into my cornflakes.

MikeW said...


As it happens above, I agree, Lola is making a point. Stunned silence!

If I could be bothered as I’m not good at Pinter like silence; onto the comments section for an attempt at irony:

Henry George a....? cu*nting, tosser. Obviously, I would sign in as 'Shiney' for that one!

This just goes to prove, yet again, Mark Wandsworth knows nothing about economics 101. Tosser! Sign in as, Bloke from House price crash.

Hard working, buy to let landlords, create economic miracle in London by clever and attractive use of magnolia paint. Rail track gives vote of confidence in the rising house price by building some new stuff.
Just sign in as, cause and effect, tosser for that one.

Turnbull2000 said...

The Telegraph is simply battening down and targeting their dwindling core readership i.e. over 55's, many of whom made a killing on property. That and a good scattering of click bait and Google search bait.

If it winds up the loons at Housepricecrash Mike W, these articles are almost worth it!

DBC Reed said...

Repeat after Lola: Aaaaaaargh!

Bayard said...

Public expenditure for private profit - business as usual.

Mark Wadsworth said...


Random said...

Thoughts on this?

Mark Wadsworth said...

R, it is complete insanity isn't it?

Dinero said...

On the other hand it is a contemporary real life demonstration in the main stream media for anyone explaining the principles of the Henry George thesis.

Bayard said...


Thoughts on this?"

Either the Land Registry makes a profit, in which case it is selling off the family silver, or it makes a loss, in which case it's just another stealth tax.

"In a consultation document, the government set out several models for the new agency, with its preferred option being privatisation with a contract to the government."

I think that is what is known as a "sweetheart deal". The ex-civil servants at the head of the LR get to negotiate a nicely lucrative contract with their ex-colleagues, no-one knows or cares what is going on and a revenue stream to the public purse is diverted into private pockets. Effectively, the LR will be fakeprivatecompany.

Lola said...

B. Yes. You either genuinely sell it. Or you don't

Physiocrat said...

The Guardian is worse. At least with the Telegraph, it is blatant.