Monday, 2 November 2015

Fun Online Polls: Israel & Free Wifi

The responses to last week's Fun Online Poll were as follows:

Which of the following has a smaller surface area than Israel?
Albania - 7 votes
Latvia - 12 votes
New Jersey - 17 votes
Sicily - 13 votes
Wales - 26 votes

60 voters

Answer: Wales is the only territory smaller than Israel.

Clearly, up to 15 people didn't understand the question and voted for more than once option (75 votes cast minus 60 voters) when the question clearly asked "which… has" and not "which… have".

Suffice to say, about one-third of people at least have a vague grasp of how tiny Israel is. And I suppose, like Wales, most of the population is crammed into a small part of the country and the rest of it is sparsely inhabited mountains/desert.

Whatever you say about the behaviour of the actions of the 'State of Israel' in the abstract sense, they are not really asking for much in terms of territory.
This weeks Fun Online Poll is inspired by a tweet by Jackart:

Vote here or use the widget in the sidebar.


Frank said...

"Clearly, up to 15 people didn't understand the question and voted for more than once option (75 votes cast minus 60 voters) when the question clearly asked "which… has" and not "which… have"."

Clearly up to one person set up the poll incorrectly. If you set up a poll that allows multiple answers why would you be surprised that some people give multiple answers?

Mark Wadsworth said...

F, I set it up with multiple answer option just to see how many people would fall for it.

Frank said...

And then pretended to be surprised when they did?

OK, I believe you. *fingers crossed behind my back* :-)