Wednesday 24 October 2012

"Screaming teenagers flee cinema in horror as bungling staff show Madagascar 3 instead of Paranormal Activity 4"

From The Daily Mail:

* Teenagers as young as fifteen at Friday evening screening at Cineworld in Nottingham
* Instead of terrifying horror movie, projectionists put on tedious kids' caper
* Boys say their girlfriends had been 'horrified' and 'questioned their manhood'
* Staff have apologised and offered full refund and complimentary tickets to all viewers who can prove that they are aged 18 or over


Anonymous said...

Kids these days don't know how lucky they have it. If I wanted to be scarred for life as a kid I had to settle for "Alone in the Dark". Not exactly pants-pissing material is it?

Graeme said...

steady Mark...15 year olds is encroaching on John Peel territory

Anonymous said...

You can always tell the start of the "I want compensation" dialogue when the phrase "scarred for life" gets used.