Bob E spotted this comment in The Guardian on the topic of back-to-work providers:
The author says "there's a clear sense that in the context of a flatlining economy, the Work Programme's targets – indeed, its entire logic – are proving impossible".
Nonsense. Its entire logic is based around facilitating the transfer of billions of pounds from the public purse into private company coffers where it can be transferred again to tax havens and divvied up later by the corrupt politicans and crooked businessmen behind it. There's the logic behind the whole of welfare reform. It's a raid on the public purse. That's all it's ever been.
It's way past time the people concerned should be appearing in the dock. For me, it's not just a case of where's the anger. Rather, it's where are the prosecutions?
Notes on bechamel and blancmange
13 minutes ago
Like it. Why do they always bang on about 'creating jobs' when jobs are a cost of production, not a benefit? When will they ever start saying that we are formulating policies to 'maximise production?
L, because they don't give a shit what people are employed to do, so long as they are no longer classed as "unemployed".
Mark, please remind me to what percentage of all public spending that second paragraph refers.
L, let's be generous and assume they mean "Helping to match demand for labour with supply of labour".
B, about a third disappears into a black hole, i.e. over £200 billion a year. There are no single large items you can identify, a few billion here, a few billion there, it all quickly adds up.
Using the UK definition of success.
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