To celebrate, I'll post another "They own land!" variant ("Their parents owned land! Guarantee them an inheritance!") from today's Daily Mail:
The print edition reads thusly:
The number of pensioners forced to sell their homes to fund their care has soared by 20 per cent over the past decade. About 24,500 sold up last year along, according to figures from the House of Commons Library.
And the funding crisis may not be solved for years to come, meaning thousands more will be forced to put their houses on the market and deny their children their inheritance.
They must have realised that they were crossing the line with that third sentence, as it has been removed from the online version of the article.
Chuckle of the day
1 hour ago
There's a comment on that article which when I looked was being given the red arrow treatment.
"I don't want to contribute to the care of elderly parents just to protect their children's legacy! If the elderly have savings and property then it should be used to pay for their care - this is their "rainy day"."
Happy bloggiversary.
Happy Bloggiversary Mark
The comments seemed to show that there are plenty of people who understand the real benefactors- the children set to inherit.
There was one comment I liked- paraphrasing somewhat went like this:
I've known loads of people who always went on about their home being their retirement fund, but when the time comes to downsize, they suddenly start to bleat about "family home" and handing it down- expecting subsidy to keep it.
Congrats on another neatly compiled 12 months, MW. :)
They should be more worried than that.
House prices have fallen by about 30% since the peak in real terms.
Bailout mortgages 10%
Double that for the under the table bailouts 20%
No treble it 30%
Watch the stock market soon. If its lows are higher than normal over say the next 6 months, we are on the way back.
Congrats! And here's to five more! :)
Happy Ann.
Fear not the struggle nought availeth
Happy bloggiversary.
Happy Birthday.
Happy Blogday (if it works this time. Wordpress thinks I don't own me)
I can but echo the sentiments above MW on your achievement. Extremely well done.
Oh well done, sir. You're a major force in the UK sphere and you've worked at it. But a few less LVT would go down well. ;-)
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