Wednesday, 6 June 2012

"Yeah, whatever," say stoners.

From the BBC:

Experts are warning that the public dangerously underestimates the health risks linked to smoking cannabis.

The British Lung Foundation carried out a survey of 1,000 adults and found a third wrongly believed cannabis did not harm health.

And 88% incorrectly thought tobacco cigarettes were more harmful than cannabis ones - when the risk of lung cancer is actually 20 times higher.

The BLF said the lack of awareness was "alarming".


Woman on a Raft said...

I've got a theory about cannabis and that is that users really want to smoke tobacco but don't fancy the argument.

By claiming to put cannabis in - which seems strangely absent in much of the smoke - they can switch the terms of the debate. It is far less fashionable to challenge cannabis use than tobacco.

Bayard said...

"when the risk of lung cancer is actually 20 times higher.
The BLF said the lack of awareness was "alarming""

Yeah, it's always a pisser when people don't believe your expensively manufactured policy-based evidence.

James Higham said...

It's mixed in with baccy anyway.

Mark Wadsworth said...

WOAR, for reasons which escape me, there is precious little solidarity between normal smokers and people who like cannabis, to all intents and purposes, the two groups are mutually exclusive.

For example, proper right wingers would allow smoking tobacco in pubs but hate cannabis; proper lefties would legalise cannabis but love the pub smoking ban. I'd scrap the smoking ban AND legalise cannabis, but hey.

B, correct.

JH, again, the bansturbators don't make it clear what they mean. If you use cannabis resin, you need tobacco as a substrate; but you can in theory smoke pure cannabis weed without tobacco (even though people usually mix that as well).

benj said...

I always eat it. A little goes a long, long way. More cake Vicar?

Mark Wadsworth said...

BS, I tried that once, didn't do anything for me. Not even anything bad.

banned said...

The only time I ever enjoyed cannabis was in the company of non-smokers over a long weekend in rural Holland. My hosts grew their own and put it in cakes, omelettes, tea; more tea vicar indeed since their bungalow was rented from the Kerk next door.