Saturday, 9 June 2012

Trojan Cow

Spotted by The Stigler at the BBC:

A man has surprised his cow-mad girlfriend by proposing to her in the middle of a field in Wiltshire.

Nathan Evans, from Bracknell near Reading, asked his partner Angela Olano to marry him with the help of a show cow with a specially prepared banner. Ms Olano said she was "amazed" as she thought her partner of 15 months was taking her for a country walk. The couple said they plan to get married in September and have decided "not to serve beef on the menu".

The proposal came as a complete surprise to Ms Olano, 21, who thought she was being driven to a pub in the county to celebrate a relative's birthday.

She said: "I like cows, if I could have a cow I would, so I just thought he was going to take me for a walk somewhere to look at cows. So I was really amazed but it really means a lot to me. I know Nathan is the man I want to marry."

Our spotter adds: I'm sure it's just bait, and once the wedding guests arrive, the attack will begin!


Anonymous said...

The Simpsons comes to life.

Mark Wadsworth said...

RA, I don't remember that episode.

Anonymous said...

It's from Lisa's Wedding.

benj said...

Clearly insane.

Someone should stick her in a field full of cows with their calves, then film it. I'm sure Werner Herzog would be interested in the footage.

Mark Wadsworth said...

BS, the poor couple have fallen prey to the propaganda that cows are kindly, motherly creatures that chomp grass and provide milk.

If you've a grudge against Angela Olano, then don't forget to tell her to take a yapping annoying dog with her to visit the cows and their new born calves.

Unknown said...

This is the kind of thing one might expect to see in India where the cow is sacred, but in England? And RA is right about the Simpsons - good catch mate -
alternative investment

Anonymous said...

I hope greenworld isn't a bot and is just a live, paid shill. Otherwise, what the fuck, how long before it achieves sentience?

Mark Wadsworth said...

RA, Greenworld usually leaves intelligent and relevant comments, so fair enough, I let them stand, shill or not.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I'm with you. I have a hyper-mechanistic view of human behaviour anyway, so bots are people too.