Thursday, 7 June 2012

TobaccoTactics replied to my email.

Many thanks for your email.

We will be reading all responses and will investigate your suggestions.

Kind regards,

The TobaccoTactics team.

----- Bericht van Mark Wadsworth ---------
Datum: Mon, 4 Jun 2012 11:02:16 +0100
Van: Mark Wadsworth
Onderwerp: Your Naughty List.

Dear Sirs

I note that you've missed a couple of anti "Big Anti Tobacco" bloggers from the list.

I'm sure the following would be cheered up no end to have it officially recognised that they are a thorn in your taxpayer-funded side:

Nothing 2 Declare
Pat Nurse

I trust that you will update accordingly!

Kind regards

Mark Wadsworth

The keen eyed reader will spot that their email came from The Netherlands.


James James said...

"The keen eyed reader will spot that their email came from The Netherlands."

Not necessarily, just from someone using the Dutch language on their computer.

Mark Wadsworth said...

JJ, aha, but the background is that TT paid a Dutch private investigator to help compile their "wiki", and you will also note that their reply is in "not-quite-English".

Anonymous said...

I'm Spartacus too!!