From The Daily Mail:
A national crackdown on prescription drug abuse has led to new wave of heroin users in America.
It used to be easier to forge a prescription than meet with a dealer on a street corner. But since stricter rules on prescription drugs were imposed youngsters are choosing heroin as a drug of choice.
The deadly drug is now being found in areas where previously, it hadn't presented a problem. New York, Pennsylvania, North and South Carolina, Illinois and Missouri have all been affected by the surge in abuse according to 2011 Justice Department statistics.
And so on. Worth reading in full.
Forbidden Bible Verses — Exodus 27:20-21
7 hours ago
D'ohhhhh.... it just gets worse and worse. Not just the unintended consequences, but "Over the boarder from Mexico..."??
FT, indeed. You'd get arrested for sexual assault if you tried to come over the boarder from Mexico.
Slightly OT, but the result of the government introducing random drug testing in prisons is that inmates changed their drug of choice from cannabis to heroin.
The problem is that cannabis will show up in a urine test for something like 5-8 days. Heroin will show up for 2-4 days. Take heroin and you're not as likely to fail a drug test.
A friend of mine had to completely stop smoking weed because he works on the railway and they are randomly tested. Doesn't matter that he flew off to Amsterdam, got stoned on Saturday and was perfectly alert by his shift on Tuesday. Fact is that he would show up positive in a drug test.
TS, that's another good one. Does your friend now shoot up when he goes to Amserdam?
Eat a poppy seed bread roll and fail a drug test. Huge fun for all the family.
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