Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Health Scare Story Du Jour: EPIC FAIL

From The Scotsman:

Diesel exhaust causes cancer, the World Health Organisation has said, in a ruling that makes the fumes as important a threat as...

OMG! Tell me doctor, how dangerous is it? Is it like being bitten by a rabid dog? Polio? Scarlet fever? AIDS? Being a guinea pig in an atom bomb test? How much longer have we got? Do we have time to even write a will?

... second-hand smoke.



A K Haart said...

Maybe there is a connection between this "research" the need to push electric vehicles to collect Brownie points.

Lola said...

"I love the smell of napalm (diesel) in the morning"....

Robin Smith said...

Yeah its a bit like climate change denial or LVT denial. You need infinite evidence before you will believe it.

Riding a bike shows me pretty clearly they are toxic fumes.

We use diesel because it helps the slaves do more slaving for less. Keeps the wheel spinning a bit longer. Bugger the effects.

Carry on apologising.