Tuesday 22 May 2012

Another useful template

From City AM:

I agree with the Tax Commission’s findings on inheritance tax. Inheritance tax is a tax on capital, on money that has already been fully taxed as income or otherwise. It’s pernicious and destroys the UK’s capital stock to pay for current government spending. Inheritance is often the seed-corn for small businesses, putting capital in the hands of people who would never want to risk a bank loan.

And any inheritance not used by the recipient is recycled through the banking system to productive businesses. Government spending has to be reduced to allow capitalism to work properly and make us all better off in the long run.

John Hill.

As we well know, the TV licence fee raises slightly more than Inheritance Tax, so let's try this:

I agree with the Tax Commission’s findings on the TV licence fee. The fee is a tax on capital, on money that has already been fully taxed as income or otherwise. It’s pernicious and destroys the UK’s capital stock to pay for current government spending. Money spent on the fee could otherwise be the seed-corn for small businesses, putting capital in the hands of people who would never want to risk a bank loan.

And any money not used by the recipient is recycled through the banking system to productive businesses. Government spending has to be reduced to allow capitalism to work properly and make us all better off in the long run.

John Hill.


A K Haart said...

Powerful technique this. I wonder why Hill didn't use it to see if he was making sense.

Or maybe I don't.

Sarton Bander said...

Scrap both.

Bayard said...

It works with VAT, too:

VAT is a tax on money that has already been fully taxed as income or otherwise. It’s pernicious and destroys the UK’s capital stock to pay for current government spending. Money spent on VAT could otherwise be the seed-corn for small businesses, putting capital in the hands of people who would never want to risk a bank loan.

And any money not used by the recipient is recycled through the banking system to productive businesses. Government spending has to be reduced to allow capitalism to work properly and make us all better off in the long run.

Dick Puddlecote said...

Wot Sarton Bander said. :)