George Osborne. The 'nutrimatic drinks dispenser' of Parliament. Who dispenses polices that are almost completely but not entirely (un)like Browns.
(With acknowledgements to Douglas Adams.) See here
Forbidden Bible Verses — Exodus 27:20-21
3 hours ago
Do you think, actually the whole of parilament is actually some sort of simpleton's game where ministers have to pretend that they came up with the exact same awful policy as the last guy who held their brief, and you only get to find out its a really awful game when you get promoted to minister and you get extra points for seeing how long you can fuck off the back benches without them getting a handful of guts together and deposing you?
now that I come to think of it, I should have probably taken this theory on Dragons Den or pitched it to MB rather than leak it on the interwebs
ho hum, will have to come with some other way of making $10 million
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