Thursday 8 December 2011

Yvonne's record still safe

From Reuters:

A wayward cow's free-ranging days in a small Nebraska town are over. Three men on horseback tracked the cow in snow and roped her Wednesday afternoon on the north edge of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.

The 1,500-pound cow has caused a stir in Plattsmouth since falling off a cattle truck unnoticed in mid-September. She hid in woods during the day and came into town to graze on grass lawns at night.

Sue Baker, the town's animal control officer, had the cow at hand one day last week and tried to walk her toward a fenced tennis court but a barking dog spooked the bovine. She ran away and went back into hiding. Baker later unsuccessfully tried to lure the wandering bovine into the tennis court with a "bait cow" tethered inside.

Last weekend, Baker discovered that the cow had given birth to a calf in the woods. Baker used the calf as a lure but the cow kicked down a fence panel and escaped when handlers tried to corral her.

"I think I'll sleep for a week," Baker said.

So the unnamed cow didn't quite manage the three months. Unless of course we award a few bonus weeks for giving birth while on the run, that's got to be worth something.

UPDATE: Pavlov's Cat adds: Not that Ninja-ly!


JuliaM said...

Another one for you: