Thursday 5 May 2011

Bob Crow


JJ said...

I'd like to unscrew his head...and take it ten-pin bowling!

After I've boiled it of course.

electro-kevin said...

A great likeness - or should that be DIS-likeness.

I'm a trade unionist on the railway and I don't like the man and wouldn't belong to his union.

dearieme said...

He looks much nastier than that.

A K Haart said...

Good likeness, but to me, your guy looks a deal more perceptive than the real thing. I wouldn't want to try even gentle sarcasm on your version.

Mark Wadsworth said...

He's all right is Bob. Lives in a council house and everything.

Paul said...

Excellent likeness Mark. Exactly like how he is - a thug who has happened to (very successfully, I might add) attach himself to a political movement.

Anonymous said...

Paul said...

"a thug who has happened to (very successfully, I might add) attach himself to a political movement."

There is no pretensions with him. You get what you see. It is those that do not look and sound like snides and sneak that are the biggest snide and sneaks.

Bob is effective at what he does.