Friday 1 April 2011

This country (a-ha) is becoming like a ghost country


chefdave said...

Harrison is starting to wind me up a bit. First he sets up The Renegade Economist, only to ditch that after a few months (when he presumably gets bored with it?). Then I find out he's being using his own blog instead, so I sign up to that. But now he's releasing vids for somebody else!!

It's like he doesn't want people to watch his stuff.

Mark Wadsworth said...

CD, yes that is annoying. I didn't realise he'd shut down Ren Econ. Oops.

Anonymous said...


Looks like it is an upgrade. Just checked, Ren Econ II, coming soon.

Mike W

chefdave said...

Mike, thanks for that.

I've had their site linked on my toolbar for months now but bypassed their homepage so I missed the notice.

DBC Reed said...

It's "This town is coming like a ghost town" not "becoming".The lads had an old-fashioned respect fro scansion and number of syllables per line.

Mark Wadsworth said...

DBC, yes, I thought they sang "coming" but that doesn't make sense. In any event, they didn't sing "country" either.

Bayard said...

Why aren't all those empty houses being sold off dirt cheap?