From yesterday's Daily Mail:
A woman tourist was pinned to the deck of a sightseeing boat by a 300lbs stingray after it came hurtling out of the sea as she cruised off the Florida Keys. Jenny Hausch, 40, was knocked down by the spotted eagle ray, which torpedoed out of the water and slammed into the middle of her chest just after she took a photo of it.
She was trapped and gasping for air under its 8ft wide body for three to four minutes as her three young children screamed from the back of the boat.
From today's Metro:
Texan Jason Kresse, 29, and two crew members were fishing for red snapper in the early hours of Monday morning when the 8ft-long beast, weighing around 375lb, jumped aboard. It was reportedly rushing to feed on fish guts the fishermen had thrown over the side, 50 miles out to sea, when it suddenly 'hit the side of the boat' and 'ended up landing on the back [of it]'.
The shark was thrashing around so much the crew could not manage to free it to put in back in the sea.
From a couple of weeks ago:
A dolphin weighing between 600 and 700 pounds jumped onto the deck of a boat, injuring a woman in South Florida.
Isles of Capri Fire spokesman Keith Perry says a charter boat captain called 911 Sunday afternoon after the dolphin jumped on the boat and landed on one of his passengers. The woman suffered a sprained ankle. Her name was not available.**
Spotter's Badge to Pavlov's Cat for that last one.
* I'm not sure if sharks or stingrays are 'fish' in the narrower sense of the term, but hey. I know dolphins aren't, they are mammals.
** No surprises there. Imagine going through life being forced to answer "Yes" when every drunken chat up merchant asks if you are available.
Dark thoughts
5 hours ago
I had a squirrel run up my pant leg, latch onto my belt and stick his hand inside my jacket pocket reaching for a plastic bag with camera batteries in it, thinking it was food. The attacking squirrel jumped back down when I told him there was no food, only batteries and to bugger off. Watch out for squirrels too as they can't be trusted. And they have very sharp claws, I could feel them piercing through the blue jeans and on to my skin. Fish of course have those bony gills and can slit your throat with them if one isn't careful. Cows have teeth.
PETA is quite correct in slaughtering 98% of all animals they get their hands on.
are 'fish' in the narrower sense of the term,
And neither are dolphins. I didn't flag it at the time as I thought you wouldn't be interested as it was not a Manatee
Yes, sharks and stingrays are fish, they just aren't bony fish. They have cartilage.
And you need to be careful with the term 'dolphin', especially abroad, as it often refers to a type of fish. Don't have a heart attack when someone offers you flame-griddled dolphin steaks; it ain't necessarily Flipper!
I stood on a stingray once. He didn't like it and I fell over.
"She was trapped and gasping for air under its 8ft wide body for three to four minutes"
Very Mills and Boon.
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