Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Currency Wars: JPY, SGD

Here are the charts for the Japanese Yen and Singapore Dollar against a basket of currencies since 1990:


Steven_L said...

So JPY can get to well over 1.2 by the looks of it. Look at that snap back when the carry trade stops after the bubble burst.

Wish I had been more astute back then and rode that one!

Mark Wadsworth said...

SL, I did ride that one as it happens, my mistake being buying JPY back in 2004. I had to suffer a peak loss of about 20% but I reckoned that the carry trade bubble that was depressing JPY would *pop* sooner or later.

It all came good in late 2008 (via a quick shuffle into AUD, out of which I bailed out a year too soon...).

Derek said...

Talking of currency wars, this commentator is literally talking about economic warfare using currencies. Bit "tinfoil hat" maybe but he makes an interesting case.