Tuesday 12 October 2010

Cows versus bear

From The Daily Mail.

What puzzles me is why the cows let the bear limp away again rather than kicking it to death.


formertory said...

Four legs good, two legs bad?

Steven_L said...

OT MW, but another outbreak of common sense over at Bloomberg

View from the Solent said...

Couldn't help but notice that a couple of days ago, in another place, you postulated a 100-fold increase in the cow population. Was that wise?

Mark Wadsworth said...

FT, maybe, but I wouldn't want to try it out.

SL, that was up at HPC, it's part of the necessary drip-drip but not the breakthrough.

VFTS, bears are far nastier than cows. If you leave cows alone (and avoid eye contact, apparently) you'll be fine. And I didn't actually recommend a hundred-fold increase, I was pointing out that there is an upper limit to the number of burgers we could eat.

Chuckles said...

That's some seriously p*ssed-off pot-roast there.

James Higham said...

That's simple - because they're cows.